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The 'Museum of Innocence' is an interactive installation based on the idea of the 'adventure playground': children are invited to intuitively construct an architectural building, a museum. The project is an ode to play, the ‘bauspielplatz’ or the post-war 'junkology' of the 'trash playgrounds' where the children's forming process is not only focused on a practical result but the structure itself is a game and a spur to further play.

This project goes beyond just building, it aims to create a structure that can actually exist as a public space, as a museum: a museum for and by the landscape.


The Museum of Innocence is a project initiated in 2022 at the request of KANAL, with the goal of creating a work that engages the local neighborhood and invites them to connect with the future museum. The project has been showcased in various spaces. It was invited by the collective Dear Pigs to Bizet in Anderlecht, featured at M HKA in Antwerp as part of the exhibition Museum Spelen, and presented in Parc West, Brussels. Recently, the project took the form of a soundscape installation at Molenfest on the KANAL site, further expanding its reach and impact. Each iteration of the project highlights its focus on play, space appropriation, and community engagement within diverse cultural contexts.


The Museum of Innocence is a project aimed at creating an installation or museum in collaboration with children, inspired by the concept of the post-war adventure playground (skrammellegeplads). Unlike the city's many large-scale construction sites, which often symbolize a display of political power and prestige, this museum space becomes a site of pure, creative appropriation, offering a redefinition of the museum's role.

In July and August 2022 the first phase of the project unfolded at Parc Maximilien (see pictures below), which is situated right across from the construction site of the KANAL-museum.

Two new museums were launched during the summer of 2023, one at M HKA, Museum of Contemporary Art in Antwerp in the frame of the exhibition 'Museum Spelen' and one at the new residency space in Anderlecht, Brussels 'Bizet Bizar'.
See photo's below.
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